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UPS: What it is and Where you should use one?

Every household requires power to continue functioning almost every aspect of the home and without proper maintenance, appliances could be vulnerable to early detection of damages.

UPS What it is and Where you should use one

To protect your home with sudden power losses, an uninterruptible power supply would be a good preventive protection to your appliances.

What is an Uninterruptible Power Supply?

An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is a device that filters out the power flowing to your machine from the main source. A UPS could also provide enough electricity once the power goes out giving you enough time, say, to save work and properly shut down your computer.

Though it’s capability to provide power may not be longer than generators, it can keep the appliance running continuously even when the power is already out.

Why Use One?

  • Instant battery backup. With its already charging battery, your device will surely be supplied with power when a sudden power outage arises.
  • Reliable power management. With the built-in AVR of a UPS, input voltage is stabilized thus resulting in filtered flowing power.
  • Guaranteed power protection. With its circuit protection capabilities, appliances could run continuously without worries.

Where You Should Use One?

  • Cooling Devices: air condition and refrigerator
  • Washing Machines
  • Microwave
  • Smart TV
  • Computers
Secure your appliances from sudden power failures and install a reliable uninterruptible power supply now!

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